Efficient and reliable support in evaluating the processing behavior of flexible plastics
The requirements of the new German Packaging Act (VerpackG) pose some major challenges for packaging manufacturers. To ensure the recyclability of their products, they need to use new materials such as mono films. At the same time, they need to meet the required quality criteria. However, many recyclable materials have different, often less favorable processing properties compared to the materials used in the past. The task of evaluating which materials can be used in the existing machinery and how the processes need to be adapted to the material properties is very complex and is currently often carried out on a trial-and-error basis.
In this research project, a complex evaluation method is now being developed for the web transport and thermoforming behavior of flexible packaging materials. In future, this will provide companies with an efficient and reliable tool to help them with material substitutions, process changeovers and process optimization.
The input criteria defined for this evaluation method are materials to be processed, packaging to be produced and processing methods to be considered; the quality criteria or process requirements serve as target values. After the benchmarking process is complete, the resulting findings can be used to summarize decision criteria and develop concrete recommendations for action. The relationships between the input and target criteria are quantified using experimental investigations sand statistical analyses. The laboratory-scale processing facilities available in the »Pilot Plant Processing Technologies« ensure that the tests are carried out under very similar conditions to those of the real process.
Reduced investment risk for material substitutions
With this test center, local companies will have access to a facility where they can have materials evaluated for their suitability specifically with regard to the companies’ individual technological and product-specific requirements. Extensive analyses provide application-specific insights regarding process reliability and other relevant quality criteria, which can then form a reliable basis for economic and strategic decisions.
A holistic, cross-process evaluation tool for industrial processing methods
During packaging production, packaging materials undergo multiple process steps, such as storage, web transport, forming and joining processes. The parameters of these individual process steps can have a significant influence on other subsequent processes. For example, the absorption of moisture by the packaging materials during storage can have a massive impact on all the processes that follow. The project therefore also aims to design the new evaluation method in such a way that it can be combined with other evaluation concepts for processing behavior. This will provide the basis for the development of a holistic evaluation tool that takes into account the interrelated steps of the entire production process. As a result, companies will be able to determine the ideal process window for their specific field of application, taking into account all relevant process engineering and technological conditions.
The test center for multi-criteria evaluation of the processability of new materials is another step toward achieving this goal. An innovative benchmarking system for different sealing and welding processes was already developed in the course of a successfully completed project, which also involved the establishment of a related »Test and training center for sealing and welding technologies«.
Project duration: December 2019 to February 2022