In order to move towards a bioeconomy with sustainable biobased production it is necessary to develop biobased technical products such as lubricants, adhesives, cleaning agents, and coatings. The challenge is how to replace fossil and synthetic raw materials with sustainable biogenic alternatives whilst maintaining high technofunctionality. Our strategy here is to utilize residual and waste materials from the agricultural and food industries. The aim of our work is to enhance the value of natural resources and improve the sustainability of technical products.
We have in-depth expertise in the utilization of biogenic raw materials. In collaboration with you we develop new concepts for biobased and biodegradable chemical-technical products.
Either individual product components can be replaced by biobased alternatives or completely new product systems based on sustainable biogenic raw materials can be developed.
Our small pilot plant facilities are suitable for manufacturing product samples in volumes up to 300 liters. For subsequent industrial implementation we can provide assistance with technology scale-up.
Using natural and renewable raw materials can significantly increase the environmental compatibility of lubricants. In almost all areas of application, biolubricants based on plant oil or water are suitable substitutes for mineral-oil-based lubricants. Where required, we employ enzymatic methods or add biopolymers to improve their technofunctional properties. It is also important to add specific additives to control the desired functionality, such as secondary plant substances that offer intrinsic functional properties.
To achieve optimum lubricant properties, we select both the base fluid and the biobased additives specifically for the respective application. While water-based lubricants are particularly easy to clean, lubricants based on vegetable oil offer increased lubricating performance and shear resistance. The various raw material components can interact with each other in lubricant systems. For targeted additives, we combine different plant raw materials.
Make your coated products more sustainable and recyclable while retaining their functionality with biobased materials. We’re here to help you chose the right raw material for your use case. Our analytical tools can characterize raw materials’ properties in great detail. Drawing on polysaccharides, proteins and waxes with customized functions and formulations, we develop highly functional biobased coatings tailored to your process technology. We can adapt existing formulations as well as develop new formulation systems for you. Assessments of chemical and functional properties as applied to the target product are carried out at every stage of the formulation’s development.
Proteins form films, cross-link and disperse well, all of which makes them very good biobased binding agents for use in paper coatings and aqueous dispersion paints. They can replace synthetic, acrylate-based binding agents.
Proteins provide a good oxygen barrier, so they are biobased alternatives to synthetic barrier films for food packaging such as EVOH (ethylene vinyl copolymer) and PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride). Vegetable waxes can serve as a water vapor barrier to replace synthetic polyolefins in composite packaging.
The film-forming properties of proteins in biobased wood stains provide excellent protection against water stains and tarnishing.