Functional food ingredients from plant raw materials

Plant raw materials for the production of functional food ingredients

We functionalize plant-based food ingredients in a tailor-made way

We develop functional food ingredients such as proteins and dietary fiber from a wide variety of plant raw materials including leguminous plants, oil seeds, and secondary materials from the food industry. To do this we optimize wet/dry recovery methods and processing steps in the laboratory and on a small pilot plant scale for specific raw materials and tailored to your application. The food ingredients are analyzed for their chemical composition, functional properties, molecular weight distribution, presence of endogenous enzymes and enzyme inhibitors, and other antinutritive components.

Pilot plant for processing plant raw materials

We test the food ingredients in sample products produced in our food pilot plant. Any changes to products during storage are measured in storage tests and using a trained sensory panel.

Pilot plant for developing food products

Our range of services in the field of functional food ingredients

Process development for customized plant ingredients

We offer you the possibility of process development from laboratory scale to pre-industrial scale in the pilot plant.

Taste optimization

We support you in optimizing the taste of your food through a targeted selection of raw materials and processes or specific modification of ingredients, e.g. for


Increase in digestibility

We support you in improving the digestibility of your plant-based ingredients by reducing antinutritive ingredients and optimizing the amino acid profile through targeted protein blends.

Clean labeling

Replacement of synthetic ingredients by plant-based ingredients, for example:

  • Emulsifiers
  • Stabilizers
  • Foaming agents
  • Thickening agents

Which plant-based food ingredients can you use?

  • Plant proteins
    to replace animal proteins and for protein enrichment of foods and improvement of the functional properties

  • Dietary fiber
    for positively influencing metabolic functions such as sugar levels
  • Plant oils and oleogels
    for quality improvement
  • Secondary plant substances
    to increase the value of foods, for example the use of polyphenols with an antioxidative effect

Optimize the sensory and functional properties of your products by customization of your ingredients.

Raw materials for plant-based food ingredients

Sunflower bloom with peeled sunflower seeds
© / HandmadePictures

Raw materials we use include seeds of leguminous plants, cereals, pseudo-cereals, and oil seeds. Secondary materials from the food industry that have hitherto only been partially utilized such as press cake from oil mills, bran from cereal mills, and materials from the processing of fruit and vegetables also contain high-quality components that we recover as functional ingredients. We transfer our knowledge of producing plant-based food ingredients to other alternative raw materials such as fungi (mushroom mycelium), algae or insects.

Research projects on plant-based raw materials for ingredients

"Sustainable protein ingredients"

Within the innovation area "NewFoodSystems", we are developing a protein database that enables application-specific ingredient selection.



In the project "SmartProSun", we are researching the extraction of functional protein isolates, protein concentrates and a polyphenol-rich sunflower flour.

"Smart Protein"

The European research project "Smart Protein" focuses on the development of manufacturing processes for sustainable proteins and foods from plant-based (e.g. lentil, chickpea) and alternative sources (e.g. fungal mycelia).

We promote the sustainable use of biogenic raw materials

Small bowl with various legume seeds
© / ChamilleWhite

In order to maximize the utilization of the raw materials in a sustainable way we develop holistic processing concepts that enable the recovery of several fractions. Secondary materials that arise (extraction residues, permeates, process water) are where possible returned to the manufacturing process via cascade systems and suitable recycling concepts. This enables economically viable processes with high product yields to be realized.

The utilization of sustainable raw materials means we are making a contribution to safeguarding the world's food needs. The production of healthy and safe foods is central in all our development work. 

Research projects on the use of biogenic raw materials


In the Fraunhofer lead project "FutureProteins", we are working on concepts for resilient and sustainable protein production in closed agricultural systems. Our development focuses on the use of plants, insects, fungi and microalgae.


In the "AcroAlliance" research project, we are developing a special fractionation technology to make the entire raw material fractions of Macauba palm fruits such as oil, fibers and proteins sustainably usable.


The "LeguFiber" research project focuses on processes for the utilization of peels and extraction residues from the production of protein isolates and concentrates, as well as starch from legumes.