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News from the Fraunhofer IVV

  • Ein Holzlöffel voll Erbsenmehl liegt auf getrockneten Erbsen.
    © / dasilvafa

    In a research project together with industrial partners and a Belgian research partner, we investigated how plant proteins change due to various high-pressure processes. Pea protein was selected as an example in view of the increased use of regionally available plant-based raw materials for sustainable foods. Local producers in particular are to be supported in this way.

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  • Schematic representation of the demonstrator for carrying out the practical test procedure to determine the real coefficient of friction at processing-relevant speeds on packaging materials.

    Optimum machinability of flexible packaging materials is crucial for efficient and safe processing. The realistic assessment of the dynamic coefficient of friction is particularly important when switching to recyclable packaging materials. As part of the WIPANO research project we have developed a new, realistic test method for determining the real coefficient of friction and converted it into a standard (VDMA standard sheet).

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  • Ines H. Lieske .- Business Development - Fraunhofer IVV, Dresden

    On June 1, 2024, our Business Unit Manager Ines Lieske took over the scientific project management of the "Hygienic Production" working group of the Industrievereinigung für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung e.V. (Industry Association for Food Technology and Packaging e.V.).

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  • verschiedene Papierverpackungen
    © / Nikita Burdenkov

    As part of the recently launched “CoatNanoCell” project, we are developing barrier coatings made of nanocellulose for fiber-based packaging composites. These packaging composites are 100 percent recyclable and can therefore be classified as a monomaterial. The aim is for the new nanocellulose coating to replace conventional plastic coatings in paper composites. To do so, it must provide a sufficiently strong barrier against oxygenas well as good protection against mineral oils and grease. To ensure that the coatings can also be applied on a large scale, we are developing a roll-to-roll application process.

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  • Oak tree and oak leaves
    © / frantic00

    As part of the “BioBarrier4Fiber” project launched in 2023, we are developing a novel coating concept for fiber-based food packaging. The end result will be a water vapor barrier that can be processed flexibly and that also has good sealability. Existing bio-based coatings are unable to combine these properties. The multifunctional coating system will be produced from different suberin fatty acids extracted from the cork of oak and beech trees.

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