Agri and food waste valorization based on biorefinery processing technologies


Sustainable utilization of food and agricultural waste

Cereal field with bales of stove in front of a cloudy sky
© Michael Homann -
Diagram of the processing of biological waste into high-quality products

From food waste to valuable bio-based product

In Europe 90 million tonnes of food and millions of tonnes of crops are wasted each year. Besides being morally wrong, this wastage also has a significant environmental and economic impact.

In the European project AgriMax these waste materials will be used to produce multiple high-value products. The project aims to increase sustainability in Europe through a number of novel and innovative bio-based products for the food, packaging, and agricultural sectors.

Packaging, food ingredients and agri materials made from food waste

In AgriMax two flexible multi-feedstock pilot scale biorefineries will be developed and commissioned. By using these pilot plants as demonstrators, the technologic and economic feasibility of processes to valorize agrifood by-products will be verified. By combining and integrating efficient processes, both plants will deliver functional and high-value materials for:

  • Packaging (bioplastics, biocomposites, bio-based coatings, active packaging constituents, stabilizers)
  • Food (additives, natural flavors, ingredients, edible coatings)
  • Agricultural materials (mulching films, biodegradable pots, bio-compost)

Biorefineries in Spain and Italy valorize agri waste

The biorefineries will be constructed in Italy and Spain and will utilize residues from cereal and tomato processing (Italy) and olive and potato processing (Spain) as feedstocks. These residues will be provided by local agricultural cooperatives. End users will test the novel bio-based materials in their products and evaluate their application specific properties. Furthermore, the pilot plants will be assessed for their ecologic and economic sustainability and regulatory issues will be taken into account.

The Fraunhofer IVV is involved in the Spanish pilot biorefinery, developing processes for the valorization of olive and potato residues. The institute is also involved in the evaluation of different materials as food ingredients, active packaging constituents and edible packaging. The Fraunhofer IVV is responsible for the technical management of the project.

Project term:

2016 to 2020

Project management
/project funding:

EU/EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Horizon 2020

Project partners:

  • Iris Technology Solutions, Sociedad Limitada, Spain
  • Gaviplas, S.L., Spain  
  • Instituto Tecnologico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logistica, Spain  
  • Fachverband der Nahrungs und Genussmittelindustrie, Austria  
  • University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland  
  • Laser Consult Muszaki-Tudomanyos es Gazdasagi Tanacsado Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, Hungary  
  • Mogu Srl, Italy  
  • Federacio de Cooperatives Agraries de Catalunya, Spain  
  • Universiteit Gent, Belgium  
  • Biovale Limited, United Kingdom  
  • Chiesa Virginio e C Societa' Semplice Agricola, Italy  
  • Bioprocess Pilot Facility BV, Netherlands  
  • Aimplas - Asociacion de Investigacion de Materiales Plasticos y Conexas, Spain  
  • Indulleida S.A., Spain  
  • Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt, Austria  
  • Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Italy  
  • Archa Srl, Italy  
  • Trivium Packaging Italy Srl, Italy  
  • Nofima AS, Norway  
  • Barilla G. e R. Fratelli Spa, Italy  
  • Gospodarsko Interesno Zdruzenje Grozd Plasttehnika - Giz Grozd Plasttehnika, Slovenia  
  • Fertinagro Biotech SL, Spain  
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy  
  • Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries, Spain  
  • Universidad de Almeria, Spain  
  • Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita di Bologna, Italy  
  • Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari Azienda Speciale, Italy  
  • Normec OWS, Belgium  
  • Femto Engineering Srl, Italy