Dioxin analysis

The research group

The department Product Safety and Analysis has long-term experience in identification and quantitation of contaminants in trace levels especially for the analysis of polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) in pulp and paper production. Our research group works on this field since 1989. The group successfully took part in the round robins PCDD/F in sewage sludge "Bundesweite Qualitätsprüfung 1994 der Universität Tübingen für PCDD/F in Klärschlamm", "Bundesweite Qualitätsprüfung 1999 der GAM für PCDD/F in Klärschlamm" and in soil "Bundesweite Qualitätsprüfung 1997 für PCDD/F in Böden". The IVV has adopted a quality assurance system according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. In the field of migration testing the laboratory is accredited since 1996. Enlargement of the accredited area including the dioxin laboratory was done in 2000. (DAP-PL-3909.00)

The research group owns 3 laboratories for the sample preparation. Conventional chromatographic methods of sample preparation and cleanup are used as well as SEC. Analyses are done by HRGC/HRMS. The instruments used are Finnigan MAT 95. They are dedicated to dioxin analyses and reaches absolute detection limits of approximately 10 femtogramm. For higher contaminated samples there are also low resolution MS available.

Further information: Mass spectrometry

Gruber L., Meisburger M., Wolz G., Santl H.:
Dioxine in der Papier- und Zellstoffherstellung, VDI Berichte Nr. 1298, 1996

  Gruber L., Santl H., Seidl J., Wolz G.:
Confirmation of the DB-5MS column and its use in routine dioxin analysis, Organohalogen Compounds Dioxin'95 Vol. 23, 1995, 175-180
  Gruber L., Stöhrer E., Santl H.:
Modified method for the determination of PCDD/Fs in samples from the pulp and paper industry - First results, Dioxin'92, 24-28. Aug. 1992, Tampere, Finnland, Poster Presentation P 72
  Quost A., Gruber L., Santl H.:
The use of quadrupole mass spectrometry in routine dioxin analysis under consideration of different types of GC columns, 18th Symposium on Cap. Chromatography, Riva del Garda, 1996, Vol. 1, 754-760
  Santl H.; Bichlmaier A.; Gruber L.; Stöhrer E.:
Mass balance of polychlorinated dibenzofurans -PCDFs- in a recycling paper mill, Chemosphere Vol. 28 (1994), Nr. 9, 1633-1639
  Santl H., Brandsch R., Gruber L.:
Experimental Determination of Henry´s Law Constant for some lower chlorinated Dibenzodioxins. Chemosphere Vol. 29 (94), 2209-2214
  Santl H., Frank J., Gruber L., Stöhrer E., Wolz G.:
Untersuchung der Entstehung und des Verbleibs toxischer halogenorganischer Verbindungen in der Zellstoff- und Papierindustrie, BMFT Bericht, Februar 1993
  Santl H., Gruber L., Meisburger M., Wolz G.:
Identifizierung und Quantifizierung dioxin-relevanter Einträge in das zur Papierherstellung eingesetzte Altpapier, OEF Bericht, März 1995
  Santl H., Gruber L., Stöhrer E.:
Investigation on the input, formation and fate of polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Chemosphere Vol. 29 (94), 1987-1993
  Santl H., Gruber L., Stöhrer E.:
PCDD/F in the paper industry: new results and mass balances, Organohalogen Compounds Dioxin'93, 1993