The task-oriented design of industrial human-machine interfaces (HMIs) requires the information that is presented to be adapted to the specific tasks of the operators and the relevant domain requirements. At the same time, the special features of human perception must be taken into account.
Currently, most HMIs focus on presenting the available data in a visually appealing way. As a result there is a shortcoming between data presentation and the HMI design and this leads to operating errors, faults, and lower process efficiency.
In order to tackle this shortcoming, we are using specific empirically proven knowledge from engineering psychology. Our analyses identify the causes of production issues caused by inadequate human-technology interaction and provide starting points for improving existing and future production systems.
For task-oriented design of an HMI, the operating structure is organized based on the workflow. This takes into account the interrelationship of the information for its presentation. This provides operators with improved understanding of the situations and processes, a clearer balance of information, and simpler knowledge acquisition. The HMI functions as an 'interpreter' of data and human thought and the result is fewer operating errors, shorter production times, and improved efficiency.
By utilizing our know-how of engineering psychology and in-depth practical knowledge of machine construction and automation technology we are able to provide expert assistance with the development of innovative HMIs to meet the actual needs of the processing and packaging industries. The interdisciplinary expertise of our team and direct collaboration with machine operators enable us to analyze your HMI from a variety of angles and find optimal solutions.
Practical example - Pack Peel Scan
We analyze your HMI for the effectiveness of the task-oriented information presentation as well as for the consistency of the logic, expectation fulfillment, and the heeding of human perception.
In parallel we systematically ask representatives of all the involved user groups to record relevant parameters of their processes, boundary conditions, and sector-specific information.
The results of the analysis are presented clearly and recommendations for optimization concluded.
In a two-day workshop we take an engineering psychology look at the causes and background to current problems associated with non task-oriented HMIs (we will gladly use example HMIs from your own area of work). You then learn how to design a task-oriented and intuitive HMI and so prevent common errors.
Please note that the workshop languague ist German. Workshops in English language are available upon request.
Workshop content
Your workshop leader: Dipl.-Psych. Torsten Holmer
Torsten Holmer is an industrial and organizational psychologist with over 20 years of experience in software development in international research projects. He has gained his own experience in HMI design and is currently working on an empirical study to create recommendations for HMI development in the food industry.
Next dates
Terms and conditios
Online workshop
Face-to-face workshop
Discounts may not be combined.
We provide you with customized and solution-focused support for realization of your HMI: From analysis of operating issues in production, mediating between design agencies and machinery manufacturers, and through to development of an HMI optimally adapted to your needs.
Your benefits:
Practical example - Pack Peel Scan